Latest sets supported: Kaladesh, Eldritch Moon, Eternal Masters, Shadows over Innistrad, Oath of the Gatewatch, Commander 2015, Zendikar Expeditions, Battle for Zendikar, Magic Origins, Dragons of Tarkir, Fate Reforged
- offline database, don't need a connection or to download something the first time
- filter cards by color, type (artifact, land) and rarity
- search cards for name, type, power, toughness, cost of mana, set, color and rarity
- create decks
- save cards as favourite
- browse all cards of a set (or a search) through an easy interface
- I'm feeling lucky: browse cards randomly
- I'm feeling lucky widget: browse cards randomly from your launchscreen
- images require an internet connection
- card prices from TCG player
===== BETA PROGRAM =====
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